Tiger Talk! January 5, 2024
Happy New Year! I hope that all of you were able to rest and relax with your families during break. We were so happy to see the students back in class on Wednesday and students were happy to be back Read more
Saint Anthony of Padua Grade School
Valuing our Past; Embracing our Future
Happy New Year! I hope that all of you were able to rest and relax with your families during break. We were so happy to see the students back in class on Wednesday and students were happy to be back Read more
Dear Families, We are getting ready to start the season of Advent on Sunday. Keeping this in mind, our Advent theme for this year is“A Season of Joyful Anticipation.” It is important that we remember we are celebrating the season Read more
Dear Families and Friends, October seems to have flown by! What an exciting month we had. We had our first school Mass, Middle School retreat, Grandparents Day, the book fair, the Volleyball team won their tournament, and we had a Read more
Dear Families and Friends, What an amazing first month of school we had! I have had such a wonderful time visiting classrooms and talking with students. They are already learning so much. It is amazing to hear their talking and Read more
Happy New Year School Family, I am so excited to welcome everyone back and to share a special message of welcome to our new families. We are off to a great start. We had our annual opening prayer and flag Read more
The last day of school is rapidly approaching. Today was the students’ last Friday of the school year! The next two weeks will be filled with activities and fun for all of us. I know our students are (im)patiently waiting Read more
As we move through the joyous Easter season, we are also beginning our final full month of school. We have a lot happening here these last six weeks of school. Not only will we be celebrating an excellent school year Read more
Dear School Family, March has been our busiest month by far. We continue to “Love throughout Lent.” You showed your genuine concern for our former teacher, Mrs. Hidalgo, rallying and supporting her by donating over $2,900 towards her recovery so Read more
As we continue moving through the season of Lent, I would like to share our Lenten theme. This year we are showing “Love Throughout Lent.” Accompanying our theme is a lovely drawing done by one of our students, DJ Banker. Read more
Thank You Parents and Guardians! As we come to the end of Catholic Schools Week, I want to thank you for choosing a Catholic education for your child. I realize the sacrifices that are made for your child to be Read more