Tiger Talk! August 30, 2024

Happy New Year! 2024 is a celebratory year! 2024 marks our schools 70th anniversary/birthday and the 100th year of our beautiful church. Our school was established in 1954. I have been proud to be a part of this parish history as a lifelong parishioner, parent of my own two students, school counselor, and now your princi-PAL. We have three patron saints for our parish, and we will talk about them more throughout the year. We ask our saints to pray for us regularly. Our obvious patron saint is Saint Anthony of Padua, our namesake. However, our church was founded by the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales. Our priests have always been Oblate priests, and we look forward to recognizing them in October. October 4th marks the feast day of our third patron saint, St. Francis of Assisi. The Franciscan Sisters were also instrumental in starting our parish. We are blessed to have one remaining Franciscan Sister, Sr. Vicky, on staff. We appreciate her kind and gentle nature. On the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, our Pastor, Fr. Vincent Kumar, has agreed to bring back our beloved tradition of the Blessing of the Animals. I am sure the children will be excited to learn this. 

First Friday Monthly School Masses

Monthly Masses will begin on Friday, October 4th, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. First Friday Masses will take place at 8am. Please be advised that if you arrive after the 7:50 am bell, you will be responsible for walking your child over to church and making sure they get to their teacher. We leave the school building promptly at 7:50 am. We will send a Mass schedule out shortly, as there will be special Holy Days when we will forgo the Friday Mass and join the parish community for Mass. 

First Week of School 

We have had a wonderful first week of school. I was very excited to see everyone again and welcome so many new students to our school family. I told them that once they entered our doors on Monday they were part of a new extended family. I already love them as my own and will work with them to make sure everyone is successful. Our first day of school started with a Flag Ceremony. I want to thank Mrs. Millers husband, Vinnie. Vinnie was instrumental in helping us get a new American Flag. The flag was purchased and donated by a member of the Air National Guard. Vinnie and another Airman delivered the flag on Monday and helped our facilities crew raise it for the first time. Thank you to Mrs. Roseann Detlefsen for arranging for soft pretzels from the Pretzel Factory and water ice from Ritas Bellefonte location. The water ice was donated by a former diocesan student, Tyler Hearn. He offered to return and allow some classes to do a taste test of new flavors. Were looking forward to that. 

I met with each class to discuss our Diocesan theme this year, our discipline policy, and my reassurance that I was here for anyone who needed me. We reviewed the emergency drills we will be practicing. I talked to the students at length about walking by faithtogether as one big family this year. I spent some time explaining the faith it took for Peter to try to walk on water to Jesus. I reminded them that we are all like Peter. We have faith, but we sometimes doubt and take our eyes off Jesus, causing us to sink. I reminded our students that they are loved by me but also loved unconditionally by a merciful God. I encouraged them to pray in times of need. 

School is Closed on Monday in observance of Labor Day! 

Save the Date! October 6, 2024

Help us kick off our Centennial Jubilee Year! We will have Mass at 10:30 am, and then we will have a luncheon following at the newly renovated Fournier Hall Lounge, across the street at 1824 Howland Street. An invitation will follow. 

Home and School Association Board 

I would like to introduce your Home and School Board members. I will be planning many events for our parish this year, in celebration of its 100th Anniversary. I will be turning student events over to the Home and School Association. The purpose of the Home and School Association has always been to support the administration, raise funds for the school, and plan activities for students. They typically plan fun family events throughout the year. I would love to see this continue. We asked for nominations last school year, and the following individuals were nominated by one or more persons. They will meet soon and will be looking for volunteers to help coordinate fun activities for our students. Once the school year gets underway, they hope to have a large general meeting to share their plan for the school year and hear new ideas. More information will follow. For now, their time will be spent preparing for our big Jubilee celebration on Oct. 6th. 

Roseann Detlefsen: President 

Gina Teasdale: Vice President 

Danielle DeIeso: Secretary 

Amanda Latina: Treasurer 

Erin McGready: Board Member 

Stacy Veasey : Board Member 

Ryan McLaughlin: Board Member 

Katie Gallagher: Board Member 

World Languages

I am excited to announce that children will learn three world languages this year; one per trimester. Ms. Delona Seserman will start the year with the traditional Spanish language and culture. She will teach French for the second trimester. As 

we approach the Italian Festival in the third trimester, she will be teaching Italian language and culture. I was thrilled when Ms. D suggested this. I had asked to introduce Italian due to the 100th anniversary of the parish and 70th anniversary of the school. Both were built by volunteer Italian immigrants. We are fortunate to have this opportunity to introduce multiple languages to our students. Ms. D will be incorporating art into the various cultures she teaches. 

Instrumental Music 

Our annual instrument demonstration will take place on Wednesday, September 11th. Parents do not need to do anything for this assembly. Students will be introduced to instruments from our Northeastern Music Band Director, Eli Spadea. Mr. Spadea will talk to the students to create interest in joining our school band. There will be a zoom meeting for parents (TBD) to learn more about having your child join the band. 

School Picture Day is Friday, September 13th! 

Please arrive at school promptly as photos will begin at 8 am. Students must be in their full regular school uniform for these photos, as they will be used for student IDs. There will be another opportunity for school pictures including your choice of outfits and poses later in the school year. 

Now Hiring! 

We are hiring immediately for a full-time Middle School Teacher and Full- time Marketing and Enrollment Coordinator. Interviews have begun! Contact me directly if interested in learning more. Middle School teachers must be licensed and certified through the Department of Education (DEEDS). Thank you and God Bless my favorite princi-PAL, the man who hired me, Mr. Bernie Fisher, for agreeing to teach through September. 

Medications for the School Nurse 

Please be sure all medications come in their original prescription bottles with clear directions. Please also make sure to communicate with our school nurses, Luana Liberatore (Monday and Tuesday) and Anna DAngelo (Wednesday through Friday) if there are any special concerns. Be on the lookout for aSchool prescription medication authorization form.It was sent in a separate email yesterday. 

Emergency Card/Start-of-the-year Paperwork

These MUST be returned immediately. All paperwork should be turned in at this time. If you have yet to do so, please do so asap. 

Family surveys will be coming home soon! 

Please be sure to complete both sides of this important paper. This one form helps us receive federal funding for our students to receive Title One services. The number of slots provided depends solely on completion of this form. Your information is kept confidential. 

Counseling Services 

If your child participates in counseling outside of the school day or saw the school counselor regularly last year, I encourage you to continue receiving services outside of school. Our school counselor, Mrs. Hinton, is out until November. We will have our same counselor, Karen Beltram, from Amanecer, one day a week, but that will be reserved for children who have dealt with and continue to manage trauma. 

Happy Tiger Family News 

We are excited to announce that we have a brand new baby tiger in our school family! Jagg James Hinton was born on August 27th. Both baby and mom are doing well. Congratulations and God Bless Mrs. Hinton! 

Child Care Licensing 

We have applied for Child Care Licensing through the State of Delaware. We had our pre-licensing visit yesterday, and it went exceptionally well! Were excited to share some good news with you soon. 

Aftercare Payments

There are only three options for Aftercare payment this year. Payments must be paid daily, in advance, or by Friday (last day of the week). Families must remain current with Aftercare payments, or students will not be permitted to attend Aftercare. We appreciate your cooperation, as we continue to offer Aftercare services at the lowest possible cost. This year, we have also enacted a late fee of $15 for any parent/guardian who arrives after 6 pm (when Aftercare closes.) This late fee must be paid immediately at the late pick-up. 

Stay Connected 

Please be sure to read all emails/texts sent through Bright Arrow. That is our primary means of communication. Tiger Talks are monthly and Paw Prints are shorter versions of reminders about upcoming events. Follow us on Facebook for daily updates and check our school calendar regularly online at www.sapgs.org 


I am in the lobby or on the front steps of school every morning and will be outside daily at dismissal as well. I love to welcome each student personally every day and then see them at the end of their day. Feel free to stop by and say hello anytime. If you have a question or concern about your child, please direct your questions to your childs teacher first. Each teacher and classroom is different and has different protocols. I will attempt to answer classroom and student questions but will likely refer back to the teacher. Teachers are with students all day. I only see them briefly throughout the day. 

All teachers will respond to emails after the school day. For safety reasons, their attention is focused on supervising children from 7:30 am until 3:30 pm. Contact the main office at 421-3743 if you need your child or their teacher to receive information immediately. We can not guarantee that any email will be read during the school day. I check my email more regularly, but calling the office will get me more immediately. I receive over 200 emails per day. I try to respond within 24 hours to an email but typically can respond within the hour to a phone call. Calling me directly is preferred. I look forward to walking by faithwith you this year. 

New Contact information for Bob Shields

Mr. Shields no longer works in our building. He has his office at the rectory. He is still your finance man with answers to financial aid questions. Mr. Shields visits school regularly but he is instrumental in our parish Jubilee year. His services are needed at the parish level. Bob can be reached at his same email address bshields@sapgs.org or by phone at (302) 421-3700 ext. 105. 

Upcoming Dates 

Monday, September 2 – School Closed – Labor Day 

Wednesday, September 11 – Band Demo – Grades 3-6 

Friday, September 13 – School Picture Day 

Friday, October 4 – First Friday Mass – Church – 8:00 am Blessing of the Animals (more info. to come) 

Sunday, October 6 – Jubilee Mass and Luncheon – 10:30 am 

Have a wonderful and safe long holiday weekend 🙂


Mrs. Judith J. White, Principal 

“What we need is a cup of understanding, a barrel of love, and an ocean of patience.” 

~ St. Francis de Sales

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