Students will be taught to play an instrument by an independent instructor. This will occur during classes on Tuesday on a rotating basis. There is a fee for this service and an instrument must be purchased or rented.
Boy Scouts
For information regarding Boy Scouts, please contact Lou Vella, Scoutmaster 302-.
The Declamation Club is an enrichment activity that gives students the opportunity to participate in public speaking. Along with the teacher, students select a famous speech and practice giving the speech in front of an audience. St. Anthony students then compete with other students in the Diocese. Prizes are awarded to individual students as well as the school's Declamation Team. Some competitions require that the student memorize the speech. There are also "oral readings" where memorization is not required. This activity is open to students in 5th through 8th grade. For more information, contact either Mrs. Achenbach at [email protected] or Mr. Tucker at [email protected]
High School Exam Prep
During Trimester I, prep classes will be provided during Math and Reading periods.
Math League
Math League is available for students in 4th through 8th grade. For the 4th through 6th grades, the meets are held four times a year during math classes. Awards are presented to the first, second, and third place winners. Seventh and eighth graders may participate in the Delaware Council of Math Teachers (DCTM) Secondary Math League. Meets are held four times a year in neighboring schools, including St. Anthony. Students always begin the meets with refreshments, and then they go to classrooms for the competition. Regional winners are invited to the Invitational Meets held in Dover in April.
Student Council
Elected officers and homeroom representatives meet after school on Mondays to plan activities and service projects. Students participate with other Diocesan school Student Council Representatives in a leadership conference in the spring. For more information, Email Jennifer Cripps or Email Lauren Kunkle.