Tiger Talk! October 23, 2020

Happy Friday, Everyone!

I hope this email finds you happy, healthy, and ready for a fun-filled weekend. This is a very busy place, and we are certainly learning a lot and having a good time. We are making the most of our 6ft. distancing and masking. I was so excited today to supervise all school class photos. All classes were masked and then sitting (or standing) six feet apart. When we were ready for each photo, they temporarily removed their masks. I stayed outside for every photo shoot because I was so thrilled to see their faces. Your children are so adorable; every age. They were smiling, making funny faces, posing, and were able to look like they did prior to this pandemic. I had no idea how much I missed seeing them. When you can’t see a child’s face you miss the dimples, the missing teeth, the ornery grin, and the funny faces. Today I was able to see their real personalities, and it was truly the highlight of the week. We have been wearing masks at recess and when having gym outside. I never get to see faces. This was a great way to start the day.


Photo Retake Day: I thank Tina Gwynn for her excellent photography. All students were directed to a spot and did a class photo with their arms outspread. Once in their set spot they briefly removed their masks. Before moving at the end of the photo, masks were back on. It was such a nice time, despite the gloomy weather! Tina will offer one more day for remote learners to come for an outside photo, if you still need a retake. We have tried to be very accommodating. I wanted to be done with pictures at this point, as their purpose is for school IDs. However, Tina said she will return one last time, because two families contacted her. I will arrange that as soon as possible and let you know. It will be a very specific one hour window, because Tina does not charge me anything for her multiple visits. She is doing this as a courtesy.  Just know that if that one day does not work out for remote learners, the next photo opportunity will take place FOR EVERYONE in the spring. Once the photos are taken, please do not call/email the office with photo questions. Please contact Tina directly.


Planning: We are all settled in and things are running very smoothly this year, regardless of what is happening in our world outside of school. We are happy and thriving in this building. I hope that we can continue to do that. Please continue to make good choices and be smart about traveling and social gatherings. For purposes of planning, we do not foresee any changes being made to our current school plan to offer both in-person and remote learning options. With Delaware COVID-19 numbers not drastically declining, this plan will most likely remain in place until Christmas break. We have enough room for all students to return at any time, should you wish for your children to come back. We would welcome them back with open arms and a virtual hug. We are ready for remote learning, should the Governor change our current plan based on a change in Delaware’s positivity rate or spread. We are ready for whatever life throws at us! There may be a change to our school calendar for Thanksgiving week. If any change will be made, I will let you know next week, so there is time to plan accordingly.


Teacher Shout Out: Our teachers are doing what very few schools are doing (full day, everyday instruction). I think we are very blessed with excellent technology and a fantastic group of teachers. I recently learned that we have one of the highest percentages of licensed and certified teachers in the Diocese with only one outstanding license (currently pending). We are close to 100% and should be there soon. Thank you to my teachers for working so diligently to keep up with these licenses and with the professional development hours needed to do so.  I applaud you for the graduate courses taken and the Google Certifications earned. You are incredible examples of lifelong learners, and you should brag about your accomplishments more often. Thank you!


SchoolMessengerWith the seasons changing we want to make sure that you are able to receive text messages in case of a weather related school closing. To ensure that you have opted in to receive messages from SchoolMessenger please send a text to 67587 with either a “Y” or “yes”. On Friday, October 30th we will be sending out a text as a test of the system which you will not receive unless you have opted in.


PowerSchool Mobile App: There were some changes to the PowerSchool Mobile App server this year and fortunately the Diocese has provided us directions on how to connect with the mobile app. Please contact the school and ask for the IT department if you need directions and we will send them to you.


Called to Serve: As we enter November, we will continue to talk about the Corporal Works of Mercy and learn more about thinking outside of ourselves. Our topic will be “sheltering the homeless.” Our first two months focused on “feeding the hungry” and “giving drink to the thirsty.” To reinforce those messages and put them into action, we would like to hold a Thanksgiving Food Drive to share our blessings with those less fortunate than us. We will be asking students to donate items. For those of you who are still not shopping, you may make a cash donation in your child’s name and send it into the school office. Our preliminary list (if you are shopping this weekend) will be:


PreK – Stuffing

Primary (K-2) – Canned Vegetables

Intermediate (3-5) – Cranberry Sauce/Gravy

Middle School (6-8) – Instant Mashed Potatoes

A flyer will be sent home next week with greater detail!


Our next Tiger Talk will be sent on Friday, November 6th. We will return to bi-weekly communications, although you will still hear from me regularly throughout the week with grade-specific messages. Please follow us on Facebook. If you are not doing so already, you are missing out on some fun pictures and videos. We all could use a smile and a good laugh during the work day.


Autumn Blessings,

Mrs. White

“To change the world we must be good to those who cannot repay us.”  ~ Pope Francis

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