Tiger Talk! November 6, 2020

Dear Families,

For the months of November and December, we will continue to learn about the Corporal Works of Mercy and how we are all “Called to Serve.” We reflect on the thought, “Shelter the Homeless” and on the Bible verse, No Room in the Inn; The Flight to Egypt (Luke 2:1-7; Matthew 2:1-15). This week we celebrated the Solemnity of All Saints on November 1st and All Souls Day on November 2nd. We also celebrated Vocation Awareness Week from November 1st through the 7th. Vocation Awareness Week reminds us that each of us is called to encourage vocations to the priesthood and religious life. The Lord speaks through us to His young people by our words and example. This week, we resolved to pray for vocations and instruct about vocations. This is very important as we look to the future of our church. I am honored to serve on the Bishop’s Committee and have the distinct pleasure of interviewing all potential candidates for the priesthood in the Diocese of Wilmington. We have wonderful young men in the seminary and we hope this number continues to grow. It is a long process that spans several years.

Congratulations to our Students of the Month: Our October virtue was “goodness.” Nicholas Savko – PreK3, Grayson Kinderman – PreK4, Logan Selby – Kindergarten, Megan Zweidinger -1st, Sara Barker – 2nd, Gabrielle Krevchuck – 3rd, Eryn Banks – 4th, Brooke Brown – 5th, Faith Jah – 6th, Lena Padovani – 7th, and Enrique Arce – 8th

Winter Sports:
Please be advised St. Anthony’s will not be participating in the Winter 20-21 sports season. After careful consideration, we have come to this decision in the best interest of our students, coaches, and volunteers’ health and safety. We understand and sincerely apologize for the hardship this decision may cause. I am sure the kids were looking forward to participating in sports this season and YAC was definitely looking forward to having them! In consideration of the current regional COVID cases, along with all of the work completed to date to ensure safe conditions for the grade school, we feel it best to err on the side of copious caution.

Thank you from our staff! To the anonymous family who donated very generous gift cards to everyone on our staff, I thank you. You really brightened our day. Thank you also to the McLaughlin and Krevchuck families for the delicious muffin, snack, and candy donation. Thank you all for recognizing our efforts in such a meaningful way. We love our jobs and our school families!

Lunch Menu and Cafeteria Reminder: Please remember that parents MUST order a month ahead on the lunch menu (and return it on time with payment) or pack a lunch for your child. We will not fill daily orders for lunch. This is a reminder that if your child forgets to bring a lunch, we will have them call you to drop one off for them. It is the parent’s responsibility to bring lunch to school. This is a “pre-order only” cafeteria for this school year. We appreciate your cooperation. We hope for a return to normal at some point. Please also remember to send water bottles in each day.

COVID Update: While the nation had its highest positive cases reported the week of October 26th, our Diocese was happy to report its first week of zero cases in all parish and diocesan schools. I want to thank our faculty, staff, and parents. In order for this to happen when cases are rising throughout the nation, this tells me that our families are really doing their part to keep their families and our one collective school family safe. I thank you. Please continue to follow our four priorities of masking, frequent hand washing (sanitizing), social distancing, and daily screening. It has paid off. We hope to continue to provide uninterrupted in-person learning for all who desire it.

Masks should be provided by parents: We have children coming to school without masks and with masks that are not properly sized. This is the responsibility of each parent. Please be sure your child’s mask is the correct size and that they come to school each day with a mask. We have been providing several masks each day. This is not ideal, as the children are more comfortable in their own mask, and it fits them better. Masks are to be worn in all grades (Preschool through 8th). We recommend each child bring an additional mask in their book bag.

Thanksgiving Food Drive: Please be sure to send in at least one item so that we have a nice donation for our annual food drive. If you wish to send a monetary contribution, feel free to do so. Cash would be preferred, but a check can be made payable to St. Anthony of Padua Grade School, and we will write one check. Our food donations go to the St. Patrick’s Center in Wilmington and to those in need in our own parish/school community. Any contribution (no matter how small) makes a difference in someone’s life.

Thanksgiving Break: School will be closed for students from Tuesday, November 24th through Friday November 27th. Teachers will report to work on Tuesday, November 24th for Professional Development and a much-needed faculty meeting and planning time. Wednesday, November 25th the school building will be closed entirely for a thorough cleaning. Thank you in advance for understanding.

Trimester 1 ends on November 24th. Please continue to check PowerSchool (Grades 3 to 8). You will notice some changes to the first trimester report card. You may see a PASS/FAIL or an N/A in a special subject area such as Computer, Gym, Spanish, or Art and a PASS/FAIL in Kindergarten through Second Grade Science and Social Studies. Grading may return to normal for the second trimester, however, at this point, a few things needed to be adjusted based on the instructional minutes assigned to each core subject area.

Staff Christmas party – NO AFTER CARE Wednesday, December 9th! We will close school promptly at 3pm on Wednesday, December 9th, to have our faculty and staff Christmas party. Be sure to pick up students at 3pm for dismissal. We appreciate your cooperation. We would like to express our gratitude to the Home and School Board for sponsoring a staff painting activity and the Student Council for sponsoring heavy appetizers for this gathering.

Please have students dress warmly: This is just a gentle reminder to be sure students wear coats, hats, and gloves, as we will be going outdoors for breaks and recesses as long as it is above 32 degrees. All students in class will go outside with their class at this time, regardless of proper clothing, as there is no additional staff to stay inside to monitor those students. Administration and support staff go outside with classes. Classroom windows will remain open (at least cracked for air flow). Thank you J


Autumn Blessings,

Mrs. White


“The Son of God came into this world as a homeless person. The Son of God knew what it was to start life without a roof over His head.”  ~ Pope Francis

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