Tiger Talk: October 4, 2024

What an amazing first month of school we had! I have had such a wonderful time visiting classrooms and talking with students. They are already learning so much. It is amazing to hear their talking and laughter in the hallways. That sound was greatly missed this summer. 

Our Diocesan theme of We Walk By Faithis represented each month with one of the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit. During the month of October, We walk by faithin Understanding.This Gift of the Holy Spirit helps us to know the teachings of our Catholic faith and better understand how God and the Holy Spirit are at work in our lives. 

First Friday Mass 

We celebrated our first school Mass today and it was the best way to start our Friday. The Antonians, led by Mr. Colligan, sang beautifully, leading our entire school in raising our voices to God. Mrs. Galloway surprised us with the amazing voice she has been keeping to herself. If you are able, consider joining us for one of these school Masses. I promise you wont regret the decision. After Mass, we went outside and Father Vincent blessed the animals (and stuffed animals) of our students and staff. What a wonderful way for us to celebrate one of our patron saints, St. Francis of Assisi, on his feast day today. 

Happy Tiger Family News

We are excited to announce that we have a brand new baby tiger in our school family! Caleb Scott Crozier was born on Sunday, September 22nd. Both mom and baby are doing well. Congratulations and God Bless Mrs. Crozier, Caleb, and their family! 

Introducing our Marketing and Enrollment Coordinator: Mary Gallo 

I am so excited to announce that I found the perfect candidate to market our school. Mary started this Monday as our Marketing and Enrollment Coordinator and will be on-site full-time. She will help me with our monthly 100th anniversary celebrations during our Jubilee year. She is a Padua Academy graduate. She would like to give you a small introduction about herself. 

Hello! My name is Mary Gallo, and I am thrilled to join St. Anthony’s as the new Marketing and Enrollment Coordinator. With a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education, I spent five years in the classroom before transitioning to Marketing. I recently earned my Master’s degree in Marketing and am eager to combine my backgrounds from both fields in this new role. I am looking forward to an exciting year ahead! 

Picture Retakes 

Picture retakes are scheduled for Tuesday, October 15th. If your child was absent on our original picture day, they will need to have their picture taken on this day for an ID badge. 

Vision Screenings 

On Wednesday, October 16, 2024, vision screenings will take place for students in Grades K, 2, 4, and 7, and those newly enrolled in K-8 (plus any students who did not pass their screening last year). Please make sure your child wears their glasses/contacts on that day. Screening forms will only be sent home if there are any areas of concern. 

Grandparents Day

Friday, October 18th will be Grandparents Day from 10:00 am until 12:00 pm. Grandparents are invited to come into their grandchildrens classrooms at 10:00 am and have some fun visiting with them and doing activities. At 11:30, all students and grandparents will gather outside in the Kindergarten courtyard for a prayer service. Once the prayer service is over, students will return to their classrooms to get their belongings and to be dismissed. The Scholastic Book Fair will be open from 12:00-2:00 pm. Grandparents and parents are welcome to come and shop. Forms will be coming home next week that need to be filled out and returned to RSVP for this event. 

Parent – Teacher Conferences 

Parent – Teacher conferences will be held during the week of October 15th with most of the meeting availability after Grandparents Day has concluded. You should have received an email this week from your childs teacher asking you to sign up for a conference time. Please pick a time that works best for you to meet with your childs teacher to discuss their grades and work so far this year. St. Anthony’s Spirit Day at Cafe Riviera 

On Wednesday, October 23, we will be having a Spirit Day at Cafe Riviera in Concord Mall. The event lasts all day and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to school. A flyer with more information will be coming home soon. 

If any families own or operate a restaurant, please let us know! We would love to be able to support your business as you support our school. Teachers sometimes order lunches or we could even arrange to have a Spirit Night at your restaurant. Please email either Ms. Kathy Frederick 

(kfrederick@stanthonynet.org) or Ms. Jennifer Cripps 

(jcripps@stanthonynet.org) with your information. 

Bishop’s Mass 

On Wednesday, October 30, Bishop Koening will be celebrating Mass with our school at 10:00 am. All students are to wear their regular school uniforms (Navy blue polo and khakis). Students who normally have Gym on Wednesdays may wear sneakers with their regular uniform. 

Box Top$ For Education 

Please consider participating in this easy fundraiser for our school. For everyone who scans a Box Top for Education during the month of October using the specified referral code for St. Anthonys code (A9CG5MR4), the school will receive $5. We will be sending home a flyer with more information next Wednesday, October 9. Now Hiring!

We are hiring immediately for a full-time Middle School Teacher. Interviews have been taking place! Contact me directly if interested in learning more. Middle School teachers must be licensed and certified through the Department of Education (DEEDS). 

Art Class 

Art will be graded as Pass/Fail this year. Grades will not be entered as frequently as they have been in the past. If work is turned in, it will be a passing grade. Failure will only occur if no effort is made and no work is turned in. Our new art teacher, Ms. D, wants to spark creativity and pride in our students. This is a new and exciting change. You will not be seeing actual grades entered into PowerSchool, but you will be able to see their actual artwork online soon. Ms. D is working on setting every child up with Artsonia, the worlds largest online student art gallery, where you will be able to log in to an individual site to see your childs artwork. The collections are growing! Artsonia will be able to turn your childs artwork into gifts such as shirts, mugs, Christmas cards, ornaments, etc. Their portfolio can be presented to high schools for AP courses. They will each have an individual digital portfolio. You will love this, but it takes some time to log each child in and set them up with a personal code. You will be emailed after that. Parents will then have a choice to make their childs individual portfolio public or private. It can also be shared with grandparents. This will start with preschool and follow them through all of their years with us. Their shop will grow as they continue to move through St. Anthonys. They will be motivated by their published work that can be printed and purchased. 

Sweatshirts and Jackets

As we are moving into colder weather, please be sure to write your childs name on the tag of their school sweater/sweatshirts. We have already had some confusion with who owns what sweatshirt. This will make it easier for us to reunite these items with their owners. 

The only sweatshirt that may be worn during the day is the black St. Anthony gym sweatshirt. No other sweatshirts are permitted to be worn during the school day. Hooded sweatshirts, even ones for St. Anthonys sports, are not allowed to be worn during the school day due to safety concerns. Students may wear them for recess, coming/going from school, or when special permission is given. 

It’s not too late to join the Band! 

Students interested in joining the school band or orchestra may still enroll throughout October. As a reminder, participation in instrumental band is available to students in grades 4-8, and orchestra instrument participation is available for students in grades 3-8. If you are interested in joining this wonderful program, please refer to the Northeastern Music enrollment link below. Thank you! https://nemusicprograms.com/ 

Upcoming Dates 

Sunday, October 6 – Jubilee Mass and Luncheon – 10:30 am 

Friday, October 11 – No AfterCare 

Monday, October 14 – School Closed for Fall Break 

Tuesday, October 15 – Friday, October 18 – Scholastic Book Fair Tuesday, October 15 – School Picture Retakes 

Friday, October 18 – NOON DISMISSAL with NO AFTER CARE Parent/Teacher Conferences 

                                 Grandparents Day from 10 am – 12 pm 

Wednesday, October 23 – Cafe Riviera Spirit Night; more information to come

Wednesday, October 30 – School Mass with Bishop Koenig – 10:00 am Stay Connected

Please be sure to read all emails/texts sent through Bright Arrow. That is our primary means of communication. Tiger Talks are monthly and Paw Prints are more frequent shorter versions of reminders about upcoming events. Follow us on Facebook for daily updates and check our school calendar regularly online at www.sapgs.org 

Follow us on Instagram! User name is sapgs.de 


Mrs. Judith J. White, Principal 

“What we need is a cup of understanding, a barrel of love, and an ocean of patience.” 

~ St. Francis de Sales

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